Synthesis, Properties and Biological Activity of 3-Pyridylamides of 4-Aryl-2-hydroxy-4-oxo-2-butenoic (Aroylpyruvic) Acids.-A number of title pyridylamides (III) (11 examples) is synthesized and transformed into carbamoyl-substituted N-heterocyles (cf. (IV), (V), ( VIII)) and quinoxalones (VII). All the compounds synthesized show activity against S. aureus and E. coli as well as analgesic activity. They also possess antiinflammatory properties. Structure-activity relationships are discussed. -(MILYUTIN, A. V.; AMIROVA, L. R.; KRYLOVA, I. V.; NAZMETDINOV, F. YA.; NOVOSELOVA, G. N.; ANDREICHIKOV, YU. S.; KOLLA, V. E.; Khim.-Farm. Zh. 31 (1997) 1, 32-35; Permskaya farm. akad., inst. tekh. khim.