We report for the first time on the electroassisted biomimetic activation of molecular oxygen by a newly prepared electropolymerized polypyrrole-manganese phthalocyanine film. The prepared films and their intervention in the electroassisted catalytic reduction of molecular oxygen were analyzed by cyclic voltammetry and UV-visible spectrophotometry on optically transparent electrodes. The obtained results demonstrate the probable existence of the key-steps responsible for the suggested formation of the highly reactive manganese oxo intermediate.
Keywords:Manganese phthalocyanine, Polypyrrole film, Electropolymerization, Molecular oxygen, SpectroelectrochemistryThe development of efficient chemical systems operating according to the catalytic cycle of substrate oxidation by cytochrome P-450, which involves the high valent metal-oxo intermediate, is a subject of intense research [1 -4]. Most of the reported models use iron or manganese porphyrins or Schiff bases and iodosylbenzene, hydrogen peroxide and alkylhydroperoxides, peroxyacids as oxygen donors [2]. In the last decade, we and others have shown that the strategy for mimicking the enzymatic system can be elegantly tuned by using polymeric porphyrins designed from electropolymerizable suitably substituted-pyrrole complexes [5]. Also, we and others have provided the first and rare examples involving the electroassisted activation of molecular oxygen by manganese porphyrins and Schiff bases as enzyme models, either in solution or supported electropolymerized films, for the catalytic oxidation of selected hydrocarbons [6 -17]. In that case, the use of "activator" such as acetic acid or benzoic anhydride is needed and the proposed mechanism suggested the generation of the metal-oxo active species, in view of the modifications of the cyclic and hydrodynamic voltammograms [6 -19].In a very recent paper, we have reported on the synthesis and spectroelectrochemical characterization of a new family of pyrrole-substituted metallophthalocyanines [20]. As part of our work devoted to the electrochemical elaboration and characterization of biomimetic models, we are reporting here on the first results obtained with an electropolymerizable pyrrole-substituted manganese phthalocyanine, noted Mn(TPhPyrPc) (see structure, Fig. 1). We show preliminary study of the electrochemical preparation of the polypyrrole-based manganese phthalocyanine films and the characterization by cyclic voltammetry and UV-visible spectrophotometry. We also provide first insights in the intervention of the manganese center in the electroassisted catalytic reduction of molecular oxygen in dichloromethane.Electropolymerization of Mn III TPhPyrPc was achieved on a vitreous carbon electrode in dichloromethane (DCM) þ 0.1 mol L
À1Bu 4 NBF 4 solution containing 3 mmol L À1 of the complex by repeated potential scans between 0.2 Vand þ 1.2 V (vs. Ag/AgCl) at 200 mV/s, as we have recently shown in the case of the cobalt analog [20]. The build up of the electropolymerized film can be followed by the increa...