Mn-Zn nano ferrites were synthesized with citric acid as a capping agent by sol gel auto combustion method. Synchrotron and laboratory x-ray diffraction confirms that mixed nano ferrites is crystalline in nature and indexed in cubic crystal structure (space group Fd3m). Reduced crystallite size is obtained from Synchrotron (15.4 ± 0.0001 Properties of ferrites are sensitive to their processing conditions such as temperature, composition and microstructure. Ferrites nanoparticles showed unique dielectric properties. Usually, high performance devices require low dielectric loss (tan δ). Lower the tan δ, the higher the efficiency and lower the noise [4]. Keeping this in mind, herein we aimed at synthesizing and characterizing mixed Mn-Zn nanosized ferrites via low temperature synthesis technique. We further report the consistency of evolution of crystal structure, phonon modes and dielectric properties at different temperatures.
Experimental DetailsThe sol-gel auto combustion method is used here for synthesis of Mn 0.5 Zn 0.5 Fe 2 O 4 nano ferrites [5]. The starting materials in their stoichiometry as (Mn(NO 3 ) 2 ), (Zn(NO 3 ) 2 ·6H 2 O) and (Fe(NO 3 ) 3 ·9H 2 O) were dissolved in a distilled water. The molar ratio of citric acid to total moles of metal nitrate ions is adjusted at 1:2. The ammonia solution is added to mixed solution to neutralize with a pH ~ 10. The neutralized solution is evaporated to dryness by heating at 120 °C on a hot plate with continuous stirring, until it becomes viscous and finally formed a very viscous gel. The dried gel burnt completely in a self-propagating combustion manner to form a loose powder. The burnt powder was calcined in air at temperature of 800 °C for 8 hour to obtain spinel phase. The powders were pressed into pellets of size 10 mm (diameter) and 1 mm (thickness) by applying a pressure of 8 Tons. The pellets were sintered at 800 C for 8 h.The room temperature Lab x-ray diffraction (XRD) was performed using Cu kα 1 radiation ( = 1.5406 Å) with Bruker D8 advance x-ray powder diffractometer. Also, the Synchrotron x-ray powder diffraction (SXRD) [ = 0.8042 Å] has been performed on the angle dispersive x-ray diffraction (ADXRD) beamline (BL-12) at Indus-2 synchrotron source (2.5 GeV), India. The Wayne Kerr impedance analyzer 6500B is used in the frequency range of 20 Hz to 120 MHz, ac
International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development (IJAERD)National Conference On Nanomaterials, (NCN-2017), Volume 4, Special Issue 6, Dec 2017 UGC Approved,e-ISSN:2348-4470, p-ISSN:2348 @IJAERD-2017, All rights Reserved 2 voltage range from 10 mV to 1 V and temperature range varies upto 1000 °C. The high purity silver conducting pastecoated pellets of Mn-Zn nano ferrites were used for improved electrical contact for dielectric measurement 3
Result and DiscussionThe typical Lab x-ray diffraction (XRD) and Synchrotron x-ray diffraction (SXRD) pattern of Mn 0.5 Zn 0.5 Fe 2 O 4 nano ferrites sintered at 800 C are shown in Fig. 1. It indicates that the diffraction ...