In this article the alkali metal-intercalated two-dimensional (2D) polymer Na 4 C 60 is studied under pressure up to 41 GPa at room temperature by Raman spectroscopy and x-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements. Two transitions are identified in the studied pressure range. The first one is observed at ∼3 GPa by both diffraction and Raman scattering. A kink in the pressure slope of the cell parameters (especially along the c axis) shows the appearance of a less compressible phase. The decrease in the C 60 -C 60 distance and the Na-C distance, combined with the frequency softening of the Raman modes, leads to a picture of higher electron hopping. The second transition occurs at around 15 GPa, where the distinct Raman peaks of 2D-Na 4 C 60 disappear and become very broad and diffuse. New bands at 200-800 cm −1 , 1590 cm −1 , and ∼1800 cm −1 , exhibit similar features to those of a reported 3D-C 60 polymeric structure. The XRD data show that the cell parameters a, b, and c deviate from their early pressure evolution and become almost pressure independent, accompanied by the formation of amorphous material. Both the evolution of the Raman features of Na 4 C 60 at pressures above 15 GPa and the Raman measurements of the samples on decompression indicate that most C 60 molecules in the material are preserved after such a high pressure cycle. Our findings are discussed in terms of the formation of the first high-pressure intercalated C 60 3D-polymer structure through the random creation of new polymeric bonds between fullerene molecules.