Since the discovery of the first organic superconductor TMTSF2PF6, ['] the number of organic superconductors has rapidly increased. However, the mechanism of superconducting transition is still unclear. Therefore, the design of new organic superconductors with enhanced T, is very difficult. In order to break through this difficulty, the development of new types of conductors which permit systematic studies of superconducting behavior in organic systems is highly desirable. The discovery of a series of P-type ET superconductors (ET = Bis(ethy1enedithio)tetrathiafulvalene) indicated the correlation between T, (the superconducting transition temperature) and the unit cell volume, which can be altered by using various anions of different sizes.12] Similar correlations have been found in analogous ET superconductor^.^^^ Some K-type organic superconductors with a value of T, around 10 K have the characteristic broad resistivity-maximum above Tc, which indicates that the metallic nature of K-type organic superconductor is not simple. However, the depression of T, at high pressure can be easily explained. With increasing pressure, the intermolecular overlap of molecular orbitals becomes greater, and increasing the band width causes the state densities of the Fermi surface (D(+)) to decrease. Thus, it may be supposed that altering the cell volume via a change in anion size can control the band width, and produces the same effect as applying pressure. Increasing cell volume implies applying "negative pressure", enhancing the value of T,. A very attractive goal would be to find a way to control T, by modifying molecular structures and packings.
Bis(ethy1enedithio)tetraselenafulvalene(BETS, see Fig. 1) and tetrahedral monoanions MX4@ (M = Ga, Fe, In; X = C1, Br) have produced many highly conductive comp o u n d~. '~~ One is an organic superconductor h-BETS*-GaCl4.l5] Isostructural h-BETS2FeC14 exhibits a sharp MI (Metal-Insulator) transition around 8 K, where a magnetic