4-Methyltetrahydropyran (4-MeTHP) is ah ydrophobic cyclic ether with potential for industrial applications. We herein report, for the first time, ac omprehensive study on the performance of 4-MeTHP as an organic reaction solvent. Its broad application to organic reactions includes radical, Grignard, Wittig, organometallic, halogen-metal exchange, reduction,o xidation, epoxidation, amidation, esterification, metathesis, and other miscellaneous organic reactions. This breadth suggests4 -MeTHP can serve as a substitute for conventional ethers and harmful halogenated solvents. However,4 -MeTHP was found incompatible with strong Lewis acids, and the CÀOb ond was readily cleaved by treatment with BBr 3 .M oreover,t he radical-based degradation pathwayso f4 -MeTHP, THP and 2-MeTHF were elucidated on the basis of GC-MS analyses. The data reported herein is anticipated to be useful for ab road range of synthetic chemists,e specially industrial process chemists, when selecting the reactions olvent with green chemistry perspectives.[a] Dr.Scheme1.Manufacturing process of 4-MeTHP. IPEA = isopentyl alcohol, MHP = 2-hydroxy-4-methyltetrahydropyran, MPD = 3-methylpentan-1,5-diol.