The article contains the results of an analysis of the suitability of a pressure sensing glow plug for use in a hydrogen engine control system. Due to the properties of hydrogen, the process of its combustion in spark-ignition engines is significantly different from the classic fuels. It is planned to use the pressure sensor signal to control the combustion process to obtain high power and efficiency, with the lowest possible emission of nitrogen oxides, which is the main harmful component of hydrogen engines. After an initial assessment of suitability, it was decided to use a pressure sensing glow plug. This choice is dictated by the low price, good availability and high durability of these sensors. The preliminary tests were carried out using a low-power single-cylinder SI engine coupled with a 48V generator. The tests were carried out for several values of engine speed and load of the generator and for classic gasoline with a research octane number (RON) of 95. In order to obtain an increased pressure rise rate in the cylinder, as for hydrogen fueling, the engine operation was also tested with unmodified light gasoline used as solvent, which is characterized by a significantly lower RON value. The use of a reference pressure sensor in the cylinder made it possible to determine the behavior of the PSG in various operating conditions. The tests revealed that the differences in the pressure waveforms registered with both sensors can be systematized depending on the engine speed and its load.