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AbstractThe over--expression of proteins in recombinant host cells often requires a significant amount of resources causing an increase in the metabolic load for the host. This results in a variety of physiological responses leading to altered growth parameters, including growth inhibition. Moreover, the expression of other plasmid--encoded genes such as antibiotic resistance genes or repressor proteins may also alter growth.In this work, we have developed a second generation of an Escherichia coli expression system with an antibiotic--free plasmid maintenance mechanism based on an auxotrophic marker (glyA). Metabolic burden related to plasmid maintenance and heterologous protein expression has been minimized by tuning the expression levels of a repressor protein (LacI) and glyA using a selected library of promoters and applying synthetic biology tools that allow the rapid construction of vectors. We apply our engineered antibiotic--free expression 2 system to the FucA over--production, showing increased production levels.Our results showed that the aforementioned approaches are of paramount importance in order to increment the protein production in terms of mass and activity.
Acknowledgements:This work was supported by the project "Novel Alternatives for Microbial Production of Enzymes and Multienzymatic stereoselective Synthesis (EnzProSyn)". M. P. acknowledges the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona for the pre--doctoral grant.