Bottromycin A 2 is astructurally unique ribosomally synthesized and post-translationally modified peptide (RiPP) that possesses potent antibacterial activity towards multidrugresistant bacteria. The structural noveltyofbottromycin stems from its unprecedented macrocyclic amidine and rare bmethylated amino acid residues.The N-terminus of aprecursor peptide (BtmD) is converted into bottromycin A 2 by tailoring enzymes encoded in the btm gene cluster.H owever,l ittle was knowna bout key transformations in this pathway,i ncluding the unprecedented macrocyclization. To understand the pathway in detail, an untargeted metabolomic approacht hat harnesses mass spectral networking was used to assess the metabolomes of aseries of pathway mutants.This analysis has yielded key information on the function of av ariety of previously uncharacterized biosynthetic enzymes,i ncluding aY caO domain protein and ap artner protein that together catalyze the macrocyclization.Ribosomally synthesized and post-translationally modified peptides (RiPPs) are natural products that are prevalent throughout nature, [1] and their biosynthetic pathways are capable of transforming simple proteinogenic amino acids into structurally complex compounds that have potent bioactivities. [2][3][4] However,e lucidating the biosynthesis of RiPPs can be hindered by the difficulty of isolating intermediates,asthe biosynthesis takes place on alarger precursor peptide,a nd intermediates may be rapidly proteolyzed. Therefore,i mproved methods for the identification of RiPP intermediates are desirable.Bottromycin A 2 (1,Scheme 1) [5][6][7][8] possesses potent antibacterial activity towards multidrugresistant bacteria, [9] and is structurally unique owing its unprecedented macrocyclic amidine,r are b-methylated amino acids residues,and aterminal thiazole.Nature employs av ariety of strategies for peptide macrocyclization, [10][11][12] but amidine formation has only been observed for bottromycin. Initial studies on bottromycin biosynthesis showed that its amino acids were b-methylated by radical SAM methyltransferases [5,7] (RSMTs), but the rest of the bottromycin pathway represented abiosynthetic black box, where little was known about key steps in the pathway,including the unprecedented macrocyclization. In this study,weemploy untargeted metabolomics and mass spectral networking to deduce the biosynthetic route to bottromycins in Streptomyces scabies.T his analysis identifies the enzymes responsible for macrocyclization, thiazole formation, and aspartate epimerization, thereby demonstrating the utility of an untargeted metabolomic approach for elucidating atargeted biosynthetic pathway.To assess the role of the putative tailoring genes in the bottromycin pathway (Supporting Information, Figure S1), we had previously generated S. scabies DbtmC, DbtmE, DbtmF, DbtmI,a nd DbtmJ,b ut were unable to identify bottromycin-like compounds in these mutants. [5] We therefore established that these deletions did not lead to deleterious polar effects on the pathway b...