The intramolecular radical cyclization of o-bromo a,P-unsaturated esters for the synthesis of carbocyclic compounds is described. The effect of carbon chain substituents, the bulk of the ester group, and the olefin geometry were examined. The highest level of stereoselectivity (translcis: 911) was achieved with the Z ester via an exo cyclization. The sequential radical cyclization of a dihalodienoate to give a cis-fused bicyclic structure is also described. STEPHEN HANESSIAN, DALJIT S. DHANOA et PIERRE L. BEAULIEU. Can. J . Chem. 65, 1859 (1987.Nous dCcrivons l'utilisation d'une reaction de cyclisation radicalaire intramolCculaire des esters w-bromo a,p-insatures pour la synthkse de composCs carbocycliques. Nous avons CtudiC les paramktres suivants : la substitution de la chaine, I'encombrement stCrique dfi 21 l'ester ainsi que la gComCtrie de la double liaison des prCcurseurs radicalaires. Le plus haut degrC de stCreosClection (translcis: 911) fut obtenu avec l'ester a,p-insaturC Z. exo. De plus, la cyclisation radicalaire en sCrie d'un dihalogkno dienoate donne un produit bicyclique.The utilization of radical reactions for carbon-carbon bond formation in synthetic organic chemistry has recently attracted considerable interest (1-10). The increasing popularity of radical-based synthetic methods in organic synthesis is attribu-