Fluorescence microscopy is an indispensable tool in biological research, allowing subsecond and sub-micrometer mapping of molecules or processes inside living cells.Moreover, using spectrally separated fluorophores, one can observe multiple targets simultaneously, leading to a deeper understanding of the dynamic molecular interplays that regulate cell function and fate. Chemogenetic systems, which combine a protein tag and a synthetic fluorophore, provide certain advantages over fluorescent proteins since there is no requirement for chromophore maturation. However, the fluorophore promiscuity of chemogenetic systems renders two-color applications challenging. Here, we present the engineering of a set of spectrally orthogonal fluorogen activating tags based on the Fluorescence Activating and absorption Shifting Tag (FAST), that are compatible with two-color, live cell imaging. The resulting tags, greenFAST and redFAST, demonstrate orthogonality not only in their fluorogen recognition capabilities, but also in their one-and two-photon absorption profiles. A two-color cell cycle sensor based on greenFAST and redFAST is capable of detecting very short, early cell cycles in zebrafish development which had previously been difficult to image. Furthermore, this pair of orthogonal tags can be developed into split complementation systems that are capable of detecting multiple protein-protein interactions by live cell fluorescence microscopy. 3