We observe the suppression of inelastic dipolar scattering in ultracold Fermi gases of the highly magnetic atom dysprosium: the more energy that is released, the less frequently these exothermic reactions take place, and only quantum spin statistics can explain this counterintuitive effect. Inelastic dipolar scattering in non-zero magnetic fields leads to heating or to loss of the trapped population, both detrimental to experiments intended to study quantum many-body physics with strongly dipolar gases. Fermi statistics, however, is predicted to lead to a kinematic suppression of these harmful reactions. Indeed, we observe a 120-fold suppression of dipolar relaxation in fermionic versus bosonic Dy, as expected from theory describing universal inelastic dipolar scattering, though never before experimentally confirmed. Similarly low inelastic cross sections are observed in spin mixtures, also with striking correspondence to universal dipolar scattering predictions. The suppression of relaxation opens the possibility of employing fermionic dipolar species-atoms or molecules-in studies of quantum many-body physics involving, e.g., synthetic gauge fields and pairing. Spin-statistics play a prominent role in determining the character and rate of elastic collisions among ultracold atoms or molecules [1][2][3], often leading to the enhancement or suppression of thermalization. For example, elastic collisions mediated by short-range interactions between spin-polarized fermions are suppressed at low velocity. The reason lies in the requirement that the total two-particle state-the tensor product of spin and orbital-must be antisymmetric both before and after a collision [4]. Because the orbital wavefunction must be of odd parity for spin-polarized fermions, collisions between two such atoms are inhibited by the p-wave centrifugal energy barrier [5]. For van der Waals interactions, this leads to a kinematic suppression of the elastic cross section as k i → 0, where the wavevector k i is proportional to the relative incoming momentum. The fermionic suppression of thermalizing elastic collisions has an important, well-known consequence: inefficient evaporative cooling near quantum degeneracy [6].This unfavorable scaling is modified in the case of 3D dipolar interactions. The long-range, r −3 nature of the dipolar interaction leads to an elastic cross section independent of k i and proportional to the fourth power of the magnetic dipole moment µ regardless of quantum statistics in the limit k i → 0 [7][8][9][10]. This manifestation of universal dipolar scattering implies that sufficiently strong dipolar interactions allow spin-polarized fermions to evaporatively cool even at energies comparable to and below the Fermi temperature T F . Here "universal" means short-range physics plays no role; scattering only depends on atomic parameters through µ and mass [8] and not on, e.g., the difficult-to-calculate phaseshifts of partial-waves at short range [11]. Indeed, recent experiments employing the highly dipolar fermionic gases KRb...