Figure 2. a) Optical microscope image of a CaGe 2 ingot. b) Schematic diagram of the crystal structures of 2H, 3R, 4H, 6RCaGe 2 , and 1HEuGe 2 .The black rectangles outline the hexagonal unit cells. c) HAADF-STEM images of 3R, 4H, and 6RCaGe 2 in the [100] incident directions, with the stimulated pattern shown in the rectangular panel at the corner and the overlay of Ca and Ge elemental mapping of 3RCaGe 2 . a-c) Reproduced with permission. [73] Copyright 2018, Elsevier. d) Scheme of the fluoride diffusion into CaGe 2 , forming CaGe 2 F x (0 < x < 1.8), a compound that contains multilayer germanane. e) Composition of different types of germanene present within CaGe 2 F x (0.2 < x < 1.5). f) HAADF-STEM images of (top) m-, i-, and w-BLGe, and (bottom) i,i-, m,m-, and i,m-TLGe, where m = mirror, i = inversion, w = wavy, BL = bilayer, TL = trilayer. d-f) Reproduced with permission. [87]