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Dear readers,As anticipated a few months ago, Thieme Chemistry will soon start publishing brief 'News Articles', highlighting some of the most import ant eFirst papers published in SYNLETT and SYNTHESIS. These 'News Articles' will further increase both visibility and impact of research articles published by Thieme Chemistry. Although 'News Articles' will not formally be part of SYNFORM and will only appear on the Thieme Chemistry website, it's the SYNFORM editorial team who will identify suitable eFirst articles for this section. For this reason, I am particularly excited and pleased to welcome this new online feature that will enrich even further the content of our website. Moving to this new issue of SYNFORM, I am delighted to say that if this was poker we would be sitting on four aces here, and all of them from Asia! The first SynSTory describes a new protocol developd by S. Luo (P. R. of China) for synthesizing acyclic all-carbon quaternary stereocenters. The second SynSTory is again from the P. R. of China and specifically from Z.-X. Yu who takes us through his newly discovered gold(I)-catalyzed polycyclization reaction. And even the third SynSTory is from the P. R. of China, this time it's an enantioselective hydrogenation to produce α-hydroxy-β-amino acids reported by H. Lv and X. Zhang. Still from Asia, but this time from Japan, the fourth SynSTory reports on the total synthesis of a fascinating natural product, haouamine B, and its structural revision resulting from the work of H. Tokuyama. This document was downloaded for personal use only. Unauthorized distribution is strictly prohibited.
Enjoy your reading!
Editor of