Hybrid inhibitors of acetyl-and butyrylcholinesterase are compounds that combine structural motifs of two different classical inhibitors, leading to a dual binding ligand. A rapidly growing collection of those compounds involves a wide diversity of structural motifs, but the way of linking two active fragments and its impact on the affinity toward cholinesterases usually remains beyond the extent of investigation. We present hereby a detailed analysis of this aspect using melatonin-donepezil hybrids. A new series of compounds, in which two fragments are connected using a carbamate linker, exhibits excellent activity and selectivity toward butyrylcholinesterase. K E Y W O R D S biological activity, drug design, hydrolases, medicinal chemistry, structure-activity relationship Arch Pharm Chem Life Sci. 2018;351:e1800194.wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/ardp