Craniometric studies were carried out on mature male skulls of the 2nd period using the original Skull anatomy program. Depending on the transverse-longitudinal index, all skulls were distributed into 3 forms: brachycrania, mesocrania and dolichocrania. With a transverse-longitudinal index of 74.9 or less, dolichocrania was determined, from 75.0 to 79.9 – mesocrania, with a cranial index of 80.0 or more – brachycrania. When measuring the transverse diameter of the skull, the lowest value of the dolichocranic skull shape was obtained, while in the brachiocranic and mesocranic skull shapes these values were higher by 5.9 % and 2.9 %, respectively (p 0.05). Statistically significant differences in longitudinal diameter were noted between the three skull shapes. The obtained craniometry results of the cerebral part of the skull show that the main parameters by which the shapes of the skulls differ in males of mature age of the second period are the transverse and longitudinal diameters of the skull and the length of its base.