Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. iii ARI Research Reports and Technical Reports are intended for sponsors of R&D tasks and for other research and military agencies. Any findings ready for implementation at the time of publication are presented in the last part of the Brief. Upon completion of a major phase of the task, formal recommendations for official action normally are conveyed to appropriate military agencies by briefing or Disposition Form. iv FOREWORD This report is a comprehensive examination of the research evidence regarding computer-based instruction (CBI) on costs, learning achievements, individual differences, and student attitudes. Even though CBI promises to have a significant impact upon students' learning, inconsistencies and problems with the current research evidence prohibit any conclusions about the claimed advantages of CBI over other instructional media. Recommendations are made about the methodological considerations involved in evaluating a CBI system and the usefulness of this instructional technology. A salient recommendation from this technical report is that researchers should shift focus from examining the inherent superiority of this medium to identifying the conditions for using computers in the instructional process. The conclusions are intended for military personnel and behavioral scientists interested in implementing or investigating a CBI system.