This chapter presents the important concepts underlying the system dynamics modeling method. Following an initial definition of the term model, a summary of a successful system dynamics intervention is described. The key concepts of system dynamics -stocks and flows -are explained. The process for simulating stock and flow models -integral calculus -is described, with an example of a company's customer base used to illustrate how stocks change, through their flows, over time. A summary of dimensional analysis for stock and flow equations is provided before the second feature of system dynamics modeling -feedbackis presented. The chapter concludes by summarizing the system dynamics methodology, which is a five-stage iterative process that guides model design, development, test and policy design.
Keywords: Models -Stocks -Flows -Feedback -IntegrationModels Pidd (1996, p.15) defines a model as:an external and explicit representation of part of reality as seen by the people who wish to use that model to understand, to change, to manage and to control that part of reality.