We consider large N, T panel data models with fixed effects, a common factor allowing for cross-section dependence, and persistent data and shocks, which are assumed fractionally integrated. In a basic setup, the main interest is on the fractional parameter of the idiosyncratic component, which is estimated in first differences after factor removal by projection on the cross-section average. The pooled conditional-sum-of-squares estimate is √ NT consistent but the normal asymptotic distribution might not be centred, requiring the time series dimension to grow faster than the cross-section size for correction. We develop tests of homogeneity of dynamics, including the degree of integration, that have no trivial power under local departures from the null hypothesis of a non-negligible fraction of cross-section units. A simulation study shows that our estimates and tests have good performance even in moderately small panels. dynamics. However, a formal testing procedure for persistence homogeneity has not yet been provided in the fractional panel data literature either. Developing such a test is important because when there is no statistically significant discrepancy between the integration orders of different cross-section units, it is preferable to employ pooled memory estimates that enjoy faster √ NT-convergence rates and avoid the curse of dimensionality as N increases. To fill in this gap, this article develops a testing framework for persistence homogeneity when interactive fixed effects are also present. In doing so, we first present a rigorous treatment for a panel data model that allows for fractionally integrated long-range dependence in both idiosyncratic shocks and a common-factor structure that accounts for cross-section dependence. In the model, persistence is described by a memory or fractional integration parameter, constituting an alternative to dynamic autoregressive (AR) panel data models. The setup we consider requires that both the number of cross section units, N, and the length of the time series, T, grow in the asymptotics, departing from the case of multi-variate time series (with N fixed) or short panels (with T fixed). Our setup differs from Hassler et al. (2011) and Robinson and Velasco (2015) in that we model cross-section dependence employing an unobservable common factor structure that can be serially correlated and display long-range dependence, which makes the model more general by introducing cross-section dependence without further structural impositions on the idiosyncratic shocks.Using a type-II fractionally integrated panel data model with fixed effects and cross-section dependence modelled through a common factor dependence, we allow for long-range persistence through this factor and the integrated idiosyncratic shock. The model assumes a common set of parameters for the dynamics of the idiosyncratic component of all cross-sectional units. We deal with the fixed effects and the unobservable common factor through first differencing and projection on the cross-section average of ...