The cooperative communication has recently In this paper, we propose a complete cross layer design for a gained momentum in the research community. This technique cooperative orthogonal frequency division multiplexing utilizes the notion ofrelay, as an intermediate node between (OFDM) network. This design applied at the relay node is the source and the destination, to enhance the overall system achieved through exponential effective signal to noise ratio performance. In this paper we explored the benefits of (SNR) mapping (EESM). Using the estimated channel adaptive cooperation, in which the relay adapts its relaying coefficients, the EESM technique allows us to estimate the process in response to channel conditions and type of data packet error rate (PER) at the output of the channel decoder. priorities. In this paper, we propose to use the exponential Moreover, the PERs will not only be accurate but also the effective signal to noise (SNR) mapping (EESM) technique to estimation will be rapid. Indeed, the EESM allows the relay estimate the packet error rate (PER) at the relay node. Once to estimate the PERs without waiting the decoding process at estimated, the PER is then used to adapt the resource the destinations. This will allow the system to use these allocation process at the medium access control (MAC) layer accurate estimations directly so as to adapt the transmission according to different data priorities required by the as quickly as possible. Using the simple COOPMAC protocol destinations. We show that by using a new adaptive resource [3] at the MAC layer in combination with estimated PER at allocation technique in combination with the cross layer the physical layer, the sources will select the best route to design approach, we can achieve Real-Time data constraints transmit their data to their destinations. We show that the with no additional overhead. The simulation results given by~daptive resource allocation using the estimated PERs applying this concept to cell border situation shows the improve the performance of the whole cooperative network efficiency ofthe proposed sharing the transmission between the destinations. The simulation results given by applying this concept to a cell border situation shows the efficiency of the proposed approach.