An essential role of systems engineering is to aid in overcoming complexity during development. As system complexity increases, a greater number of organizations are being asked to contribute architecture/design content for systems development. An essential challenge to overcome is how to ensure digital continuity in connecting system models to form systems of systems (SoS) models. Leveraging recent developments in digital engineering (DE) and model‐based systems engineering (MBSE) this paper presents a SysML model federation methodology enabling multiple collaborating organizations to contribute system models and form a descriptive SoS architecture model. Systems engineers applying this methodology are able to reuse constituent system model content to describe the larger SoS behavior and structure while promoting reusability and commonality and are therefore better able to ensure correctness and consistency across development. First, a background through the review of SoS engineering (SoSE) and DE/MBSE literature is provided. Then an MBSE process along with specific methods tailoring the use of SysML within the Cameo Enterprise Architecture tool is presented. This work builds upon a previously published Systems Architecture Model (SAM) development method and is designed to permit style diversity across peer constituent models and ensure that every piece of data has an authoritative source of truth (ASOT) within the federation. This paper then presents the application of this methodology to the Ranger Lunar Rover system by making use of its openly published SysML model. Finally, the benefits and challenges of this methodology are discussed prior to drawing closing conclusions and identifying future areas of research.