This paper is devoted t o the Consideration of general probl enis of vol t age and reactive power control in high voJ tage transmission networks. I n addition t o the review of present practices, IIleetillg the different control objectives (sel-vice quality, security, economy and reliahili ty), the paper gives ilie classification and lists tlie m a i n features of actual realizations. I t was found that the organization of the control matches the natural mi1 ti-level Irierarclty of tlie physical process, wliere a variety of conrbinations belveen manual and Iieur-islic 011 one side, and cooipLiter-assisted nranual/automatic lypes of cotttrol on tlie other, can be met. 7'he general trend t o full autoinetion of this control is obvious. Wjth lflis statement in the mjnd, the paper pays the nmin allentioir t o the jriiprovenlent of practices iri tlie traitsition stage, between presently doinii~anf nmnual and heuristic solutions and prospective automatic arid computerized control. I t was found t h a t the most suitable way t o bridge this transition period is t o use the combination of local automatic coritrol of primary regulating resources, and centralized computer-assisted manual control, wit11 sui t a b l e software support , tai 1 lored 1 o match particular system needs. 7'he short description of the application of the proposed concept is a l s o given in the paper.