We revisit the possibility of producing the observed baryon asymmetry of the Universe via thermal leptogenesis, where CP violation comes exclusively from the low-energy phases of the neutrino mixing matrix. We demonstrate the viability of thermal flavoured leptogenesis across seven orders of magnitude 10 6 < T (GeV) < 10 13 , using modern numerical machinery, where the lower bound can be reached only if flavour effects are taken into account and its value depends on the allowed degree of cancellation between the tree-level and radiative contributions to the light neutrino masses. At very high scales T 10 12 GeV , we clarify that thermal leptogenesis is sensitive to the low-energy phases, in contradiction with what is usually claimed in the literature. In particular we demonstrate that Majorana-phase leptogenesis is in general viable while Dirac-phase leptogenesis requires some level of fine-tuning.