Many companies use various problem-solving processes to solve problems in the field. However, familiar problem solving processes are used or standardized problem solving processes are used. As a result, companies are having difficulty resolving the numerous types of problems that arise.To improve these problems, the S-Cube method, which combines the advantages of various problemsolving methodologies, was developed and applied to the field. Its characteristics are a problem-solving methodology that pursues simplicity, speed, flexibility, differentiation, standardization, and synergy. In particular, tasks were classified by type and systemized to obtain ideal results by applying a problemsolving process appropriate for each type. By introducing the core concept of TRIZ, we proposed a method of finding contradictions in problems and deriving innovative solutions. In addition, a problemsolving methodology was developed by distinguishing problem types during the task selection stage. And, through examples, it was simply applied in the field through S-Cube. As a result, there was an improvement of about 60% in problem solving speed and by applying S-Cube. Additionally, we were able to secure the knowledge of our members in the semiconductor field. In addition, by introducing and developing a new problem-solving process, a guide was presented to industrial sites to perform tasks more efficiently using a problem-solving methodology.