As eries of terrylene derivatives, such as monoazaterrylene (MATe rry), 1,6-diazaterrylene (DiATe rry) and pristine terrylene (Terry), were synthesized by changing the number of nitrogen atoms at the bay region (1 and 6p ositions of the Terry core). The electrochemical measurements suggested that the first one-electronreductionand oxidation potentials becamep ositivelys hifted with increasing numberso f nitrogen atoms. This agreedw ith the energies of the corresponding highest occupied molecularo rbital (HOMO) and lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) states estimated by DFT methods. In contrast, the HOMO-LUMO gaps ap-proximately remained constant. This trend is quite similart o the spectroscopicb ehaviors observed by absorption and fluorescences pectra. The solvent polarity-dependent spectroscopic trends of DiATerry suggested the intramolecular charge-transfer (ICT) characters. Thee valuation of the excited-state dynamics in variouss olvents indicated the electronic configurational changes of the excited states relative to the ground state via the ICT.T his was supported by the Lippert-Matagap lots. Finally, the reversible protonation and deprotonation processes were also observed.