The construction of an interactive dashboard involves deciding on what information to present and how to display it and implementing those design decisions to create an operational dashboard. Traditionally, a dashboard's design is implied in the deployed dashboard rather than captured explicitly as a digital artifact, preventing it from being backed up, version-controlled, and shared. Moreover, practitioners have to implement this implicit design manually by coding or configuring it on a dashboard platform. This paper proposes Mod2Dash, a software framework that enables practitioners to capture their dashboard designs as models and generate operational dashboards automatically from these models. The framework also provides a GUIdriven customization approach for practitioners to fine-tune the auto-generated dashboards and update their models. With these abilities, Mod2Dash enables practitioners to rapidly prototype and deploy dashboards for both operational and research purposes. We evaluated the framework's effectiveness in a case study on cyber security visualization for decision support. A proof-of-concept of Mod2Dash was employed to model and reconstruct 31 diverse real-world cyber security dashboards. A human-assisted comparison between the Mod2Dash-generated dashboards and the baseline dashboards shows a close matching, indicating the framework's effectiveness for real-world scenarios. CCS Concepts: • Human-centered computing → Visualization systems and tools; User centered design; Web-based interaction; • General and reference → Design; • Information systems → Data analytics.