With recent advent of numerous 3DCG production software, the difficulty of 3D motion production has been greatly reduced, because production processes and user interfaces supporting them have become more sophisticated. However, the basis of motion production still lies in keyframe manipulation, and thus, considerable skill is required to exude the naturalness of even simple motions. On the other hand, actual dance motion production processes are much simpler.Especially in house dance, which is a compilation of dance cultures from past to present, dancers have created various choreographies by considering each motion of body parts as an element and going through a constructive production process to link them together. In this study, we clarify the relationship between various motions and operations used in actual choreography production to propose a visual programming environment that enables intuitive production of a wide variety of house dance motions. The proposed system reproduces the actual process of choreography production by connecting nodes that represent operations on elementary motions interactively, and further reproduces the actual process of sequence creation by smoothly connecting the created choreographies in order. Empirical evaluations proved the naturalness of the created dance motions and the usefullness of the proposed environment.