The Equity and Educational Inclusion project—Perception of High School Students at the University of Guadalajara was approved and financed in 2022. The first stage of the research was to determine through systematic mapping of educational equity whether there was an updated state-of-the-art. This exercise yielded 33 open-access articles in Spanish indexed in the Web of Science (WOS), Scopus, Scielo, and Redalyc databases that included educational equity or some of its variants in their titles. The objective of this article was to present the results obtained during the second phase of documentary research, using the scoping review and Rodgers' evolutionary concept analysis as methodological processes.The results of the literature review's systematic inductive methodologies show that seven state-of-the-art publications describe the evolution of the educational equity concept. In addition, the conceptual analysis elements were identified from the systematic extraction process to understand the context (antecedents, attributes, and consequences) in which other terms substitute for or relate to educational equity.Finally, documental research provided the basis for a robust theoretical and conceptual framework for developing the remaining stages of the origin study, concluding it successfully, and disseminating the results to the academic community