“…; iii) Step 6 prompts an evaluation of how best to mitigate or remedy the negative effects of the policy; iv) Step 7 guides how to make an all-things-considered judgment about whether the policy or set of policies under consideration is ethically justified. 19 In the same line of thought, because reopening schools is considered an urgent national priority, researchers 20 outlined the following list of actions that need to be taken if and when policymakers decide to eliminate social distancing: i) Create the conditions for a successful reopening…[by implementing] a rigorous program of testing, contact tracing, isolation, and quarantine; ii) Establish distancing at each school…[by limiting] mixing, staggering drop-offs and pick-ups, closing common areas, adding transportation options to increase spacing (such as buses), limiting nonessential visitors, and canceling extracurricular activities that require close contact; iii) Prioritize at-risk learners from missing schools…[by providing] additional resources for space, new staffing, and educational technology; iv) Ready a strong public health and environmental response…[by screening] children quickly on arrival, [making] handwashing and other supplies readily available, and [adopting] schedules for cleaning high-touch areas and disinfecting classrooms, with appropriate protective equipment for maintenance staff; v) Respect the valid concerns of individual families and teachers…by [identifying] and [training] teachers at high risk to serve as remote learning experts, with the potential to flex and incorporate other students and teachers during periods of quarantine or school closure; vi) Link curricula, teaching strategies, and remote learning technologies… [by identifying] appropriate curricula that have both in-person and remote strategies, leveraging technology where age appropriate, and linked to specific learning objectives (pp. E1–E2).…”