The microtubules of Antarctic fishes, unlike those of homeotherms, assemble at very low temperatures (؊1.8°C). The adaptations that enhance assembly of these microtubules are intrinsic to the tubulin dimer and reduce its critical concentration for polymerization at 0°C to ϳ0.9 mg/ml (Williams, R. C., Jr., Correia, J. J., and DeVries, A. L. (1985) Biochemistry 24, 2790 -2798). Here we demonstrate that microtubules formed by pure brain tubulins of Antarctic fishes exhibit slow dynamics at both low (5°C) and high (25°C) temperatures; the rates of polymer growth and shortening and the frequencies of interconversion between these states are small relative to those observed for mammalian microtubules (37°C). To investigate the contribution of tubulin primary sequence variation to the functional properties of the microtubules of Antarctic fishes, we have sequenced brain cDNAs that encode 9 ␣-tubulins and 4 -tubulins from the yellowbelly rockcod Notothenia coriiceps and 4 ␣-tubulins and 2 -tubulins from the ocellated icefish Chionodraco rastrospinosus. The tubulins of these fishes were found to contain small sets of unique or rare residue substitutions that mapped to the lateral, interprotofilament surfaces or to the interiors of the ␣-and -polypeptides; longitudinal interaction surfaces are not altered in the fish tubulins. Four changes (A278T and S287T in ␣; S280G and A285S in ) were present in the S7-H9 interprotofilament "M" loops of some monomers and would be expected to increase the flexibility of these regions. A fifth lateral substitution specific to the ␣-chain (M302L or M302F) may increase the hydrophobicity of the interprotofilament interaction. Two hydrophobic substitutions (␣:S187A in helix H5 and :Y202F in sheet S6) may act to stabilize the monomers in conformations favorable to polymerization. We propose that cold adaptation of microtubule assembly in Antarctic fishes has occurred in part by evolutionary restructuring of the lateral surfaces and the cores of the tubulin monomers.The capacity of the cytoplasmic tubulins of Antarctic fishes to form microtubules at temperatures as low as Ϫ1.8°C, the freezing point of the seawater habitat of these fish, is remarkable. The critical concentration for polymerization at 0°C of purified, MAP 1 -free brain tubulin is ϳ0.9 mg/ml (1-3), which approximates the values observed for mammalian brain tubulins at 37°C (1, 4). Unlike mammalian microtubules, however, the cytoplasmic microtubules of Antarctic fishes are very stable and exhibit slow dynamics at cold temperatures (5, 6). Evidently, both the capacity to polymerize at low critical concentration and the slow exchange of tubulin dimers into and out of microtubule polymers are properties intrinsic to the tubulin subunits of these fishes. These unusual functional characteristics must be explicable by structural alterations to the primary sequences and/or by changes in the posttranslational modifications of the tubulin chains that, alone or in concert, modify the quaternary interactions between dimers in a microtu...