Proper nutritional intake is imperative for successful development in early childhood (Samuel et al., 2018); however, many children are not consuming well-rounded diets due to selective eating (Carruth et al., 2004). Selective, or picky, eating has been defined in a variety of ways but includes an element of low dietary variety (Dovey et al., 2008). Among children, dietary selectivity is often based on the sensory characteristics of food, such as texture, smell or temperature. Approximately 50% of children demonstrate caregiverreported selective eating behaviours by the age of two, many of whom (58%) will outgrow this behaviour pattern (Carruth et al., 2004;Mascola et al., 2010). However, young children (0-8 years) who demonstrate sensory food aversions (SFA) avoid food based on sensory characteristics (e.g., colour,