The mass, coupling and width of the newly observed charged resonance Z − c (4100) are calculated by treating it as a scalar four-quark system with a diquarkantidiquark structure. The mass and coupling of the state Z − c (4100) are calculated using the QCD two-point sum rules. In these calculations we take into account contributions of the quark, gluon and mixed condensates up to dimension ten. The spectroscopic parameters of Z − c (4100) obtained by this way are employed to study its S-wave decays to η c (1S)π − , η c (2S)π − , D 0 D − , and J/ψρ − final states. To this end, we evaluate the strong coupling constants corresponding to the vertices Z c η c (1S)π − , Z c η c (2S)π − , Z c D 0 D − , and Z c J/ψρ − respectively. The couplings g Z c η c1 π , g Z c η c2 π , and g Z c D D are computed by means of the QCD three-point sum rule method, whereas g Z c J/ψρ is obtained from the QCD light-cone sum rule approach and soft-meson approximation. Our results for the mass m = (4080 ± 150) MeV and total width = (147 ± 19) MeV of the resonance Z − c (4100) are in excellent agreement with the existing LHCb data.