to screen triality. 8 Understanding these quantum number issues is an important problem for the future.The relevance of these ideas to the real world can be tested by studying the final states of deepinelastic processes. The produced hadrons should form jets aligned along the direction of the struck parton. 9 Their distribution in momentum space should be given by dpjE (/>" measured along the direction of the struck parton) and their multiplicity should, therefore, grow logarithmically with q 2 . Once quark quantum numbers are incorporated into the present framework, many more predictions should result. Our ideas are still in a crude state. However, they possess the promise of providing much insight into many aspects of the problem of hadrons.One of us (J.K.) wishes to thank J. D. Bjorken for numerous conversations concerning the quarkparton puzzle. Professor Bjorken's intuitive ideas on deep-inelastic final states played a crucial role in the development of this work. J. K. also wishes to thank his colleagues at Tel-Aviv University for their warm hospitality.The production of three pions in carbon via 1= 0 exchange has been studied using the process 7r"C -*7r + 7r~7r"C*, where C* is the 7=0, J p = 2 + excited state of the carbon nucleus at 4.44 MeV. Preliminary results on the Sir mass distribution, the t distribution, and the spin and parity states within the Sir system are reported.