We identified two regulators of denitrification genes in Brucella melitensis 16M: NarR, which regulates the nitrate reductase (nar) operon, and NnrA, which is involved in the expression of the last three reductases of the denitrification pathway (nirK, norB, and nosZ). NnrA is required for virulence in mice and for intracellular resistance to nitric oxide.Brucella species are facultative intracellular pathogens that infect animals and occasionally humans (10). Recently, analysis of the complete Brucella melitensis sequence suggested the presence of an anaerobic electron transfer system and the enzymes allowing the reduction of nitrate into dinitrogen gas (nitrate, nitrite, NO [1] and nitrous oxide reductases) (3). These reactions are collectively named denitrification (17) and could allow Brucella to grow under low-oxygen conditions by respiration of nitrate (11).Since the replicative compartment of Brucella suis is characterized by low oxygen tension, it was postulated that, during the infectious process, Brucella could use denitrification to survive using nitrogen oxides as terminal electron acceptors (6). Another potential role of this system is limiting the production of reactive nitrogen intermediates by the host during infection. Indeed, Brucella abortus was shown to counteract the effect of NO after 24 h of infection in activated macrophages (14).When analyzing the B. melitensis genome, we observed that three predicted coding sequences for Crp/Fnr regulators (narR, nnrA, and nnrB) are located near the genes putatively involved in denitrification (Fig. 1). NarR belongs to the NarR subfamily of the Dnr cluster, while NnrA and NnrB belong to the NnrR cluster, according to the Korner classification (7). Three other Crp/ Fnr genes are predicted from the genomic sequence (5); two of them belong to the A cluster while the last belongs to the FnrN family (7). The B. melitensis genome contains the narKGHJI, nirKV, norEFCBQD, and nosRZDFYSLX gene clusters that are coding for a respiratory membrane-bound nitrate reductase (Nar, with the nitrite extrusion protein NarK), a copper nitrite reductase (Nir), a NO reductase (Nor), and a nitrous oxide reductase (Nos), respectively. The narR gene is found next to genes encoding the nitrate reductase, nnrA is next to genes encoding the nitrite and NO reductases, and nnrB is located downstream of genes encoding the nitrous oxide reductase. Furthermore, the regulators encoded by narR, nnrA, and nnrB genes are homologous to regulators involved in denitrification in other bacteria. Indeed, NarR from B. melitensis is homologous to the Paracoccus pantotrophus NarR, a regulator of the nitrate reductase genes (16). NnrB and NnrA belong to the NnrR family, comprising the NnrR regulator from Rhodobacter sphaeroides 2.4.3, which controls the expression of the nitrite and NO reductases (12).As a starting hypothesis, we postulated that the genomic colocalization between the denitrification genes and narR, nnrA, and nnrB could indicate that these Crp/Fnr regulators are involved in the tran...