Rare flavour-changing neutral-current transitions b → sµ + µ − probe higher energy scales than what is directly accessible at the LHC. Therefore, the presence of new physics in such transitions, as suggested by the present-day LHCb anomalies, would have a major impact on the motivation and planning of future high-energy colliders. The two most prominent options currently debated are a proton-proton collider at 100 TeV (FCC-hh) and a multi-TeV muon collider (MuC). In this work, we compare the discovery prospects at these colliders on benchmark new physics models indirectly detectable in b → sµ + µ − decays but beyond the reach of the high-p T searches at the HL-LHC. We consider a comprehensive set of scenarios: semileptonic contact interactions, Z from a gauged U (1) B 3 −Lµ and U (1) Lµ−Lτ , the scalar leptoquark S 3 , and the vector leptoquark U 1 . We find that a 3 TeV MuC has a sensitivity reach comparable to the one of the FCC-hh. However, for a heavy enough mediator, the new physics effects at a 3 TeV MuC are only observed indirectly via deviations in the highest energy bin, while the FCC-hh has a greater potential for the discovery of a resonance. Finally, to completely cover the parameter space suggested by the bsµµ anomalies, among the proposed future colliders, only a MuC of 10 TeV (or higher) can meet the challenge.