In this Brief Report we extend the α-decay half-life calculation to the superheavy emitter region to verify whether these nuclei satisfy the recently observed systematics [D. N. Poenaru et al., Phys. Rev. C 83, 014601 (2011); C. Qi et al., Phys. Rev. C 80, 044326 (2009)]. To establish the systematics, we have used the α-cluster potential description, which was originally developed to study α decay in connection with nuclear energy level structure [B. Buck et al., Phys. Rev. C 51, 559 (1995)]. The quantum-mechanical tunneling calculation has been employed to obtain the half-lives, showing that with this treatment the systematics are well reproduced in the region of heavy nuclei. Finally, the half-life calculation has been extended to the superheavy emitters to verify whether the systematics can still be observed.The analysis of α-decay half-life is an important tool to study nuclear level structure. Almost twenty years ago a considerable effort was invested in this direction, and a sequence of papers studied nuclear potential forms to reproduce the nuclear level distribution of the nuclei involved in the process [3][4][5]. The α-cluster model was designed with this purpose and used to determine half-lives of a wide range of ground-state α emitters. In the last version of this model [3] a Wood-Saxon-like potential form together with the semiclassical Bohr-Sommerfeld orbit quantization rule have been successfully applied for intermediate mass and heavy emitters. In these last months, the use of this potential form to reproduce the properties of first levels in ground-state spectral bands of the 90 Sr and 98 Pd nuclei has been reported, assuming the α-cluster structure for these nuclear systems [6].Recently α-decay studies were revisited by looking for a sort of universal decay law for the families of oddeven, even-even, and even-odd α emitters, which could be extended to heavier cluster emission processes [2,7]. A systematic behavior of half-lives was recognized by using the semiclassical approach (WKB barrier penetrability) with a nuclear potential obtained by the folding of the nucleonnucleon interaction with the nuclear density of the nascent fragments [1,8].A simple linear relation for experimental half-life values of α-decay in heavy-nuclei regions was observed in Ref.[9], showing that a straight line can be adjusted for the logarithm of half-lives as a function of Z 0.6 d / √ Q. Another type of empirical analysis [10] of experimental data provided general relationships to obtain half-lives for large-mass regions of α emitters, accounting for different values of angular momentum.In this Brief Report we use the α-cluster potential with the same parameters introduced in the original version [3]; however, we use an approach formally distinct from the BornSommerfeld orbit quantization treatment to determine halflives in the original α-cluster model.The α-cluster model potential is given by a Wood-Saxonlike form,where the potential parameter (depth, diffuseness, and the mix parameters, V 0 , a, and β,respectively) ...