The analysis of current ultrahigh energy data for hadronic total cross sections and diffractive scattering cross sections points to a steady growth of the optical density with energy for elastic scattering amplitudes in the impact parameter space, b. At LHC energy the profile function of the pp-scattering amplitude, TðbÞ, reaches the black disk limit at small b. Two scenarios are possible at larger energies, ffiffi ffi s p ≳ 100 TeV. First, the profile function gets frozen in the black disk limit, TðbÞ ≃ 1, while the radius of the black disk R black disk is increasing with ln s, providing σ tot ∼ ln 2 s, σ el ∼ ln 2 s, σ inel ∼ ln 2 s. In another scenario the profile function continues to grow at ffiffi ffi s p ≳ 100 TeV approaching the maximal value, TðbÞ ≃ 2, that means the resonant disk mode. We discuss features of the resonant disk mode when the disk radius, R resonant disk , increases providing the growth of the total and elastic cross sections σ tot ∼ ln 2 s, σ el ∼ ln 2 s, but a more slow increase of inelastic cross section, σ inel ∼ ln s.In the impact parameter space the profile function TðbÞ is determined at high energies as PHYSICAL REVIEW D 90, 074005 (2014) 1550-7998=2014=90(7)=074005 (5) 074005-1