Abstract-A novel model of hypertension recently developed in our laboratory shows that neonatal degeneration of capsaicin-sensitive sensory nerves renders a rat responsive to a salt load with a significant rise in blood pressure. To determine the role of the renin-angiotensin system and the sympathetic nervous system in the development of hypertension in this model, newborn Wistar rats were given capsaicin 50 mg/kg SC on the first and second days of life. Control rats were treated with vehicle. After they were weaned, male rats were divided into 6 groups and subjected to the following treatments for 2 weeks: controlϩhigh sodium diet (4%) (CON-HS), capsaicinϩnormal sodium diet (0.5%) (CAP-NS), capsaicinϩhigh sodium diet (CAP-HS), capsaicinϩhigh sodium dietϩlosartan (10 mg/kg per day) (CAP-HS-LO), capsaicinϩhigh sodium dietϩprazosin (3 mg/kg per day) (CAP-HS-PR), and capsaicinϩhigh sodium dietϩhydralazine (10 mg/kg per day) (CAP-HS-HY). Levels of calcitonin gene-related peptide in dorsal root ganglia were decreased by capsaicin treatment (PϽ0.05). Both tail-cuff systolic blood pressure and mean arterial pressure were higher in CAP-HS and CAP-HS-PR than in CON-HS, CAP-NS, CAP-HS-LO, and CAP-HS-HY (PϽ0.05). The 24-hour urinary volume and sodium excretion were increased when a high sodium diet was given (PϽ0.05), but they were lower in CAP-HS, CAP-HS-LO, CAP-HS-PR, and CAP-HS-HY than in CON-HS (PϽ0.05). Urinary potassium excretion was not different among all 6 groups. We conclude that blockade of the angiotensin type 1 receptor with losartan but not antagonism of the ␣ 1 -adrenoreceptor with prazosin prevents the development of salt-sensitive hypertension induced by sensory denervation. Sensory denervation impairs urinary sodium and water excretion in response to a high sodium intake, regardless of blood pressure, suggesting that sensory innervation plays a direct role in regulating the natriuretic response to sodium loading. Key Words: capsaicin Ⅲ sodium, dietary Ⅲ innervation, sensory Ⅲ hypertension, salt-sensitive Ⅲ renal circulation I t is well established that in a considerable number of essential hypertensive patients and patients with glomerulonephritis, primary aldosteronism, and diabetes mellitus, blood pressure is sodium sensitive. 1 Despite intensive research in this area, the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying salt-sensitive hypertension are not well defined, and no pharmacological approaches have been developed that directly target the defect in salt handling. The existing genetic and experimental animal models of salt-sensitive hypertension, eg, Dahl salt-sensitive rats, Milan hypertensive rats, and deoxycorticosterone-salt hypertensive rats, have been widely used to explore underlying mechanisms linked to saltsensitive hypertension. 1 Recently, we developed a novel salt-sensitive hypertensive model that is sensory nerve dependent. We found that capsaicin-induced degeneration of sensory nerves in rats impairs normal increase in urinary sodium and water excretion when a high sodium diet is give...