Background: Breast desmoid-type fibromatosis (BDF) is a rare mesenchymal tumor accounting for only 0.2% of solid breast tumors. It is classified as an intermediate tumor because it is locally aggressive but has no metastatic potential. Its diagnosis is often difficult because it shares many clinical and radiologic aspects with breast carcinomas and therefore relies on anatomopathological analysis which may be supplemented by genetic analysis. The treatment of BDF has considerably evolved in the past years. While surgery was the cornerstone of the management prior to the 2000s, recent data have shown the value of active surveillance (AS) from the time of diagnosis. Indeed, after 2 years of AS, the progression-free survival (PFS) of the disease is identical or superior to surgery. Moreover, spontaneous regression has been observed in 30% of patients undergoing AS. In case of disease progression, surgery can be considered on a case-by-case basis, as well as systemic treatments.Case Description: We present a case of bilateral BDF affecting a 20-year-old woman for whom the first suggested treatment was bilateral mastectomy with reconstruction. After a second opinion, the decision was revised and AS was initiated. Almost 3 years after the onset of AS, tumors have shown a continuous regression.Conclusions: This case demonstrates the need for experience in the management of mesenchymal tumors to avoid overtreatment by mutilating surgeries which promote recurrence. Moreover, to our knowledge, very few cases of bilateral BDF have been published to date. It thus seemed relevant for us to report this rare case which supports the interest of AS for DF, as recently advised by the Desmoid Tumor Working Group guidelines.