Paronychia is an inflammatory condition of alongside of nail of toe or finger. It is seen commonly in housewives and housemaids. Paronychia may be acute or chronic. Majority of patients with acute paronychia respond well to nonsurgical treatment. Patients with chronic paronychia of great toe do not respond to nonsurgical treatment. Patients suffer from chronic pain in finger or toe. Many treatment methods are available for chronic paronychia of great toe. All have merits, demerits, and different outcomes. This study is conducted to find out the outcome of a modified surgical technique in chronic paronychia of great toe of patients. This is a method adopted with a little modification of existing method.This study was conducted among 50 patients of chronic paronychia of great toe, who were between 15 to 55 years of age, from December 2019 to December 2020. These patients were operated and kept on follow-up for 1 year and observed for different outcomes likes skin graft take off, complete wound healing of operated area, relief from chronic pain of great toe, acceptance of cosmetic appearance, and recurrence of disease. Clinical data was recorded in case record form by examining the patient, asking questions to them, and conducting descriptive analysis. Results in terms of skin graft take off, complete wound healing of operated area, relief from chronic pain of great toe, acceptance of cosmetic appearance, and recurrence of disease were assessed during follow-up period. Postoperative result showed that 98% of patients had complete wound healing and complete graft take up, acceptance of cosmetic appearance was 94%, recurrence was 2%, and 90% were relieved from chronic pain of disease great toe. It was concluded that this was a better method for treatment of chronic paronychia of great toe.