The biopsychosocial model is among the most influential frameworks for human-centered health improvement but has faced significant criticism– both conceptual and pragmatic. This paper extends and fundamentally re-structures the biopsychosocial model by combining it with sociotechnical systems theory. The resulting biopsychosociotechnical model addresses key critiques of the biopsychosocial model, providing a more “practical theory” for human-centered health improvement. It depicts the determinants of health as complex adaptive system of systems; includes the the artificial world (technology); and provides a roadmap for systems improvement by: differentiating between “health status” and “health and needs assessment”, [promoting problem framing]; explaining health as an emergent property of the biopsychosociotechnical context [imposing a systems orientation]; focusing on “interventions” vs. “treatments” to modify the biopsychosociotechnical determinants of health, [expanding the solution space]; calling for a participatory design process [supporting systems awareness and goal-orientation]; and including intervention management to support the full lifecycle of health improvement.