The state of Washington has recently begun several state-wide competency-based certification programs. These programs are being used to evaluate school counselors at three levels of functioning. Examples of the program used by the Southeastern Washington Counselor Consortium to certify counselors at the beginning level are presented. Required competencies, activities that help the counselor achieve proficiency in these competencies, and individual evaluation procedures are included in the program. The purpose of this competency-based program and an evaluation of counselors, programs, problems, and issues are presented.In 1971, the Washington State Board of Education proposed guidelines for certification of school personnel, providing opportunities for sweeping changes (Bruno 197 I). One response was the establishment of competencybased training and certification programs. Eight consortiums, consisting of representatives from the professional association, the school organizations involved, and the college or university in the area, were formed throughout the state to establish and carry out the new certification programs. The Southeastern Washington Consortium began a counselor certification program on January I, 1975, based on the competency model partially presented in this article.
ADVANTAGE OF COMPETENCY-BASED PROGRAMSThe counseling profession has been accused of failing to demonstrate competence to clients, school administrators, teachers, and the public, thus causing these groups to question the value of counseling. After many counseling proJames T. Shoemaker is Assistant Professor and Jackie L. Splitter is a graduate student in guidance and counseling, both in the