A class of a priori solvable systems of random non-linear equations over a finite commutative ring with unity is considered. The questions of the bounds of the invariance domains for the limit factorial moments and, accordingly, the limit distribution of the number of solutions that are different from a fixed solution to a given system and also the geometrical structure of these solutions are investigated.
Keywords: system of random nonlinear equations over a finite commutative ring with unity (over a finite field), factorial moment of the number of solutions of a system, distribution of the number of solutions of a system.The invariance problem is a key problem in the modern theory of systems of random equations over finite algebraic structures. Its essence lies in imposing constraints on the distribution of coefficients of a system (when the number of its unknowns tends to infinity) under which probabilistic characteristics of the system (its moments and the distribution of the number of its solutions) remain invariable as, for example, in the case of the uniform distribution of its coefficients. First fundamental results connected with the invariance of the limit behavior of characteristics of random linear homogeneous systems over the field GF( ) 2 are obtained by I. N. Kovalenko in [1]. They may be thought of as foundational for developing a new line of investigation of systems of random equations that has led to the creation of the invariance theory for systems of random equations over finite algebraic structures. Theoretical implications of this theory are considered in more detail in [2].This work is devoted to the solution of invariance problems for probabilistic characteristics of a class of nonlinear random systems. The subjects of investigation are the so-called a priori solvable systems of random nonlinear equations over an arbitrary commutative ring R (with unity) of cardinality | | R = m and of the following form: