Purpose: Invasive haemodynamic monitoring dunng general anaesthesia in infants is usually hmited to very high nsk operations, such as cardiac surgery. Nevertheless, different surgical procedures and/or anaesthetic techniques justify additional monrtonng for children, as for adults. The aim of this preliminary study was to evaluate the feasibility of using a new echo-Doppler device (Dynemo 3000| capable of measunng continuous aortic blood flow during general anaesthesia in infants. Methods: Aortic blood flow (ABF) was measured with a small oesophageal probe designed for newboms and infants. The aortic flowmeter was connected with satellite devices to visualise the haemodynamic profile which included ABE pre-ejection period (PEPi), left ventricular election time (LVETi), mean arterial pressure, heart rate, stroke volume and systemic vascular resistance. Twelve infants, aged 8-26 mo, undergoing surgery under general anaesthesia were successively included in the evaluation of this device. Isoflurane (1% end-expired concentration) was introduced to maint~n anaesthesia after induction with halothane, midazolam, fentanyl and atracurium. Results: Correct positioning of the probe was easily obtained in all cases and the recording quality was excellent, whatever the operative position. Recordings of haemodynamic data showed some myocardial depression from isoflurane: decreased ABF (indexed to body surface area) and lengthened PEP/LVET (2.24 + 0.53 L.min '-m ~ and 0.32 -+ 0.05 respectively, before introduction of isoflurane and 1.71 + 0.53 L.min ~.m ~ (P = 0.027) and 0.39 *_ 0.06 (P --0.007) with isoflurane). Condusiom These preliminary results suggest that this continuous ABF echo-Doppler device may be valuable for peri anaesthetic monitoring in infants.Objectif : La surveillance per-anesth6sique de la fonction cardiovasculaire par methode invasive est exceptionnelle chez les nourrissons, et se limite g~n6ralement ~ des indications chirur~cales & tr& haut risque, telle que la chirurgie cardiaque. Pourtant, diff&entes situations per-op&atoires et/ou anesth6siques justifiereent parfols une surveillance renforc6e chez le nournsson, comme chez I'adulte. Le but de cette &ude pr~liminalre est d'6valuer la faisabilit6 d'une nouvelle m6thode de mesure continue du d6bit aortique (DA) au cour~ de I'anesth6sie g6n6rale des noumssons. M&hodes : Un d~bitrn&re aortique (Dynamo 3000| permet g~ce ~ une sonde oesophagienne pediatnque &ho-Doppler de petit calibre, de d&erminer en continu le DA, le volume d'~jection systolique, les r&istances vasculaires syst~miques et les p&iodes de pr6-~jection (PEPi) et d'~jection du ventncule gauche (LVETi). Douze enfants, de 8 ~ 26 mois, subissant une intervention chirurgicale sous anesth6sie g6ne,-ale ont 6t6 successivement inclus. l'induction anesthesique a 6t6 r6alis6e par halothane, midazolam, fentanyl et atracunum et I'entretien par isoflurane (fraction t~l~expiratoire = I%). R~stdtats : La mise en place de la sonde oesophagienne &ho-Doppler a 6te asee dans tous les cas. Les enregistrements simult...