In 1982 H. Widom conjectured a multi-dimensional generalization of a well-known twoterm quasi-classical asymptotic formula for the trace of the function f (A) of a Wiener-Hopf-type operator A in dimension 1 for a pseudodifferential operator A with symbol a(x, ξ) having jump discontinuities in both variables. In 1990 he proved the conjecture for the special case when the jump in any of the two variables occurs in a hyperplane.This note announces a proof of Widom's conjecture under the assumption that the symbol has jumps in both variables on arbitrary smooth bounded surfaces.
For a (complex-valued1, and an arbitrary Schwartz function u, consider the pseudodifferential operator, which depends on a large parameter α > 0. Let Λ and Ω be two domains in R d , and let χ Λ (x) and χ Ω (ξ) be their characteristic functions. We use the notation P Ω,α = Op α (χ Ω ). In this note we study the operator T α (a) = T α (a; Λ, Ω) = χ Λ P Ω,α Op α (a)P Ω,α χ Λand its symmetrized variant S α (a) = S α (a; Λ, Ω) = χ Λ P Ω,α Re Op α (a)P Ω,α χ Λ .We are interested in the two-term asymptotics of the traces tr g(T α ) and tr g(S α ) as α → ∞, where g is an appropriate smooth function such that g(0) = 0. We introduce the asymptotic coefficientswhere n ∂Λ (x) and n ∂Ω (ξ) denote the outer unit normals to the boundaries ∂Λ and ∂Ω at the points x and ξ, respectively, andThe coefficient A(g; b) is well defined for any complex (real) number b if g is a C 1 -function of a complex (respectively, real) variable. The objective of this paper is to present the two-term asymptotic formulas given in the following theorem.