A különböző szerkezetek és rendszerek biztonságos üzemeltetése gazdasági,
környezeti és fenntarthatósági érdek. Ilyen rendszer a hazai nagynyomású,
földgázszállító csőtávvezetéki rendszer, amelynek meghatározó része maga a
csővezeték. A csővezetékeken előfordult káresetek ráirányították a figyelmet
arra, hogy a megjelenő kihívásokra új, 21. századi válaszokra van szükség. A
válasz kulcsa a csővezetékek integritásának biztosítása, rendszerszemléletű
megközelítésben és informatikai támogatással. A megoldás a
csővezetékintegritás-irányítási rendszer (PIMS), amely a kor technikai és
technológiai színvonalán ötvözi az észszerű kockázatvállalás és a biztonságra
való törekvés kompromisszumát. A közlemény bemutatja a bevezetés előtt álló
hazai rendszert, illetve annak legfontosabb elemeit.
The safe operation of different structures, of high importance and often unique
systems, is important for the designer, contractor, the operator and the user;
it is also an economic, environmental and sustainability interest. Safe
operation must cover and manage the whole lifetime of the structure, which is a
complex task. Such a system is the domestic high-pressure natural gas
transmission pipeline system, of which the steel pipeline itself is a major
part, with a length of approximately 6000 km. Damage to pipelines has
highlighted the need for new 21st century responses to emerging challenges. The
age of the pipeline has a negative impact on the occurrence of damages, while
the development of technical and technological culture has a positive impact. We
can be satisfied if the result is positive, i.e. if the response to the
challenges reduces the relative frequency of incidents. The key to the response
is to ensure the integrity of pipelines through a systems approach and complex
IT support. Integrity is the ability to operate of a structure at any point in
its life-cycle, including the reliable knowledge of the current state, potential
threats and all relevant elements of their management. Identifying and detecting
a threat (non-destructive testing), mapping its assessment principles and
options, performing the assessment and then reflecting this through performance
indicators, together define the direction to follow. Such a complex task is
unthinkable without sufficient data in terms of quantity and quality, and
special attention must be paid to the availability of such data. The solution is
the Pipeline Integrity Management System (PIMS), which combines the technical
and technological state of the art with the compromise between reasonable
risk-taking and the striving of safety. This publication presents the domestic
PIMS that is about to be implemented and its key elements. The logic of the
regulation in line with leading international practice is described, the levels
of assessment of threats to integrity are presented, and a flowchart of the
operation of the envisaged system is presented too.