Abstract. Type I collagen is expressed in a variety of connective tissue cells and its transcriptional regulation is highly complex because of the influence of numerous developmental, environmental, and hormonal factors. To investigate the molecular basis for one aspect of this complex regulation, the expression of al(I) collagen (COLIA1) gene in osseous tissues, we fused a 3.6-kb DNA fragment between bases -3,521 and +115 of the rat COLIA1 promoter, and three deletion mutants, to the chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) marker gene. The expression of these CoICAT transgenes was measured in stably transfected osteoblastic cell lines ROS 17/2.8, Py-la, and MC3T3-El and three fibroblastic lines NIH-3T3, Rat-1, and EL2. Deletion of the distal 1 .2-kb fragment of the full-length CoICAT 3.6 construct reduced the promoter activity 7-to 30-fold in the osteoblastic cell lines, twofold in EL2 and had no effect in NIH-3T3 and Rat-1 cells . To begin to assess the function of COLIAI upstream regulatory elements in intact animals, we established transgenic mouse lines and T YPE I collagen is the predominant component of the extracellular matrix and is synthesized by a variety of connective tissue cells . The protein is encoded by two genes, al(I) (COL1A1)' and a2(I) collagen (COLIA2), which are expressed and regulated in a coordinated fashion . Although the regulation oftype I collagen genes is not as dramatic as other highly inducible genes, the control of their expression is extremely complex . Both are single copy nonhousekeeping genes which are active in distinctly different connective tissue cells (Ramirez and Di Liberto, 1990) including : interstitial cells that produce skin, tendon, and the framework of all organs and connective tissues of the body; smooth muscle cells of blood vessels and other viscera ; cartilage cells, in which a different RNA start site is utilized examined the activity of the CoICAT3.6 construct in various tissues of newborn animals . The expression of this construct followed the expected distribution between the high and low collagen-producing tissues : high levels of CAT activity, in calvarial bone, tooth, and tendon, a low level in skin, and no detectable activity in liver and brain . Furthermore, CAT activity in calvarial bone was three-to fourfold higher than that in the adjacent periosteal layer. IJ*munostaining for CAT protein in calvaria and developing tooth germ of CoICAT3 .6 mice also confirmed the preferred expression of the transgene in differentiated osteoblasts and odontoblasts compared to fibroblast-like cells of periosteum and dental papilla . This study suggests that the 3.6-kb DNA fragment confers the strong expression of COLIAI gene in high collagen producing tissues of intact animals and that the 5' flanking promoter sequence between -3,521 and -2,295 by contains one or more stimulatory elements which are preferentially active in osteoblastic cells. (Bennett and Adams, 1990) ; activated fibroblastic cells that are involved in tissue repair and fibrosis ; and osteoblasts and...