Stlmm~'y Mls-1 is an endogenous superantigen that leads to in vivo deletion and in vitro stimulation of T cell receptor (TCR) V/36-, 7-, 8.1-, and 9-expressing cells. The MA/MyJ mouse deletes the identical set of TCR from its mature T cell repertoire; however, it does not contain Mtv-7, the murine mammary tumor provirus (MMTV), whose sag gene encodes Mls-1. Interestingly, the superantigen activity of this mouse strain segregates with a new mammary tumor provirus, Mtv-43, not seen in other inbred strains. The predicted amino acid sequence of the sag gene of Mtv-43 was compared with that of Mtv-7. Strikingly, the COOH terminus of the two molecules is very similar, while all other MMTV-encoded superantigens differ 100% in this segment.
The endogenous superantigens (SAG) 1 comprise a family of molecules that exert a strong influence on the expressed TCR repertoire. Unlike conventional peptide antigens, which contact the third hypervariable region of both the ot and the chains of the TCR, SAG are recognized by the TCR V/$ gene product only (1). The prototype of an endogenous SAG is Mls-1, which was discovered some 20 yr ago by Pestenstein (2). The biochemical nature of this ligand, however, remained an enigma until recently. The first breakthrough came from two independent groups who established that Mls-1-expressing mice delete TCR V/~6 + and V/58.1 + T cells from their mature repertoire. These investigators also observed that V/$6 and V~8.1 T cells respond to Mls-1 stimulation in vitro (3, 4). Similar results were obtained with other endogenous SAG (5-9). The genetic mapping of a V~5-tolerizing element close to the murine mammary tumor provirus (MMTV) Mtv-9 provided a hint of the molecular nature of the endogenous SAG (10). This led us and others to map a series of endogenous SAG to various MMTV loci and infectious . Furthermore, the open reading frame in the U3 region of the MMTV LTR has been identified as the gene encoding the SAG (15-18a). Thus, the new name MMTV sag has been proposed for this retroviral gene (18a).In our initial survey of the correlation between the presence of Mtv-7 and the expression of an Mls-1 phenotype in inbred mice, we noticed one discrepancy, namely, the MA/MyJ strain that had been typed as Mls-1 positive (19,20), but lacks Mtv-7 (11). Intrigued by this observation, we analyzed the SAG activity of this mouse strain in detail We described in this report striking similarities, as well as some differences, between the Mls-1 and the MA/MyJ-specific T cell stimulatory/tolerizing phenotypes. Using backcross segregation analyses, we were able to map the SAG activity of this mouse strain to a new MMTV, now called Mtv-43, which is not present in other inbred strains tested to date.We have determined the nudeotide sequence of Mtv-43 sag and compared its predicted amino acid sequence with that of other MMTV sag genes. The Mtv-7 and the Mtv-43 sag-encoded proteins are very similar. Most strikingly, their COOH terminus is very similar, while other MMTV sag-encoded proteins differ 100% in this segmen...