The exceptional symmetry is realized perturbatively in F-theory which is the manifest U-duality theory. The SO(5,5) U-duality symmetry acts on both the 16 spacetime coordinates and the 10 worldvolume coordinates. Closure of the Virasoro algebra requires the Gauss law constraints on the worldvolume. This set of current algebras describes a F-theory 10-brane. The SO(5,5) duality symmetry is enlarged to the SO(6,6) in the Lagrangian formulation. We propose actions of the Ftheory 10-brane with SO(5,5) and SO(6,6) symmetries. The gauge fields of the latter action is coset elements of SO(6,6)/SO(6;C) which includes both the SO(5,5)/SO(5;C) spacetime backgrounds and the worldvolume backgrounds. The SO(5,5) current algebra obtained from the Pasti-Sorokin-Tonin M5-brane Lagrangian leads to the theory behind M-theory, namely F-theory. We also propose an action of the perturbative M-theory 5-brane obtained by sectioning the worldvolume of the F-theory 10-brane.