We study the construction of generalized Kähler manifolds, described purely in terms of N = (2, 2) semichiral superfields, by a quotient using the semichiral vector multiplet. Despite the presence of a b-field in these models, we show that the quotient of a hyperkähler manifold is hyperkähler, as in the usual hyperkähler quotient. Thus, quotient manifolds with torsion cannot be constructed by this method. Nonetheless, this method does give a new description of hyperkähler manifolds in terms of two-dimensional N = (2, 2) gauged non-linear sigma models involving semichiral superfields and the semichiral vector multiplet. We give two examples: Eguchi-Hanson and Taub-NUT. By T-duality, this gives new gauged linear sigma models describing the T-dual of Eguchi-Hanson and NS5-branes. We also clarify some aspects of T-duality relating these models to N = (4, 4) models for chiral/twisted-chiral fields and comment briefly on more general quotients that can give rise to torsion and give an example. 1 crichigno@max2.physics.sunysb.edu Recent developments in both physics and mathematics are renewing the interest in general d = 2, N = (2, 2) sigma models. From the physics perspective, these models describe string compactifications with NS-NS fluxes and, from the mathematics perspective, they provide a useful tool in exploring aspects of Generalized Complex Geometry. This is an example of the interesting interplay between geometry and supersymmetry, initiated by Zumino in the classic work [1]. It is well known by now that the conditions under which d = 2, N = (1, 1) sigma models (with no Wess-Zumino term) admit an extended supersymmetry, can be solved by requiring the target space to be Kähler, for the case of N = (2, 2), and hyperkähler for N = (4, 4) [2]. The action for the sigma model is then simply given by the Kähler potential K(Φ a ,Φ a ) of the target space, with the complex coordinates Φ a identified with N = (2, 2) chiral superfields satisfyingD + Φ a =D − Φ a = 0. These ideas lead to a variety of applications of supersymmetric methods to Kähler geometry. An example of this is the hyperkähler quotient [3,4]. This method is based on the gauging of isometries along directions parametrized by chiral superfields and provides a powerful method for constructing potentials describing hyperkähler manifolds.